Our Approach
Our Story
Our History
Amazing Facts began in 1965 with a brilliant radio idea to attract listeners from all walks of life. Joe Crews, the ministry’s first speaker, opened each radio broadcast with an amazing fact and then followed with a related biblical message that everyone could understand. At the end of each program, he offered a free Bible lesson to encourage listeners to study God’s Word for themselves. Read More
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to proclaim to the world the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14:6–12 and to encourage revival in the remnant church by leading people to embrace salvation by faith in Jesus, to establish them in the church, and to disciple all believers in the joy of leading others to Christ by word and example. Read More
We Believe
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is profitable for correction, reproof, and instruction in righteousness. (See 2 Timothy 3:16.)
We believe that Jesus is the eternal, self-existent God and is not a created being. Even though He is fully God, He took... Read More
Meet Pastor Doug
Doug Batchelor has experienced great extremes in his life. His long and winding journey from anti-social drug user to president of a worldwide ministry has helped shape him into an engaging speaker with whom audiences the world over can identify.
Today he is the senior pastor of Granite Bay Church in California and the president of Amazing Facts. He hosts the weekly television program Amazing Facts Presents and the Bible Answers Live radio broadcast.
As the teenage son of an aviation tycoon, young Doug could have had anything money could buy, yet he couldn’t find true peace and happiness. A troubled youth, he fought at school, entertained suicidal fantasies, and eventually ran... Read More
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